Electronic Music and the History of its Emergence
2 min read
The history of the birth of electronic music goes back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Many people believe that this phenomenon appeared in the sixties, when the first digital musical instruments and synthesizers appeared (around 1958 and 1956, respectively). However, some researchers believe that digital music appeared even earlier. In their opinion, the real progenitors of this phenomenon were Hugo Ball and Tristan Tzara, who back in 1916 created a cultural association that recognized only freedom of thought and open space. The members of this culture expressed their positions with a variety of sounds and noises. Luigi Russolo, the Italian artist and inventor who created the first musical machines, is considered to be the ideological inspirer of this movement. His first brainchild was the Noise Intones, created in 1912. It was this machine that was subsequently used by many famous composers to decorate their works.
The first synth appeared in the 1920s. The principle of its work was based on the fact that at certain positions of the device in space, a special sensor with the help of electromagnetic waves issued different in purity and volume sound signals. And yet more or less mass distribution of electronic music came much later. Around the sixties of last century. It was then that first appeared world-famous groups, performing their compositions using rhythmic repetition of a sound. A striking representative of this movement is the Parody on the song Aqua – Barbie Girl.
In the seventies, thanks to people like Giorgio Morder, electronic music begins to conquer many dancefloors of the planet. It was then that the first styles of electronic music such as Funk, Disco and Soul were born. In 1971 was formed the first group, whose creativity is based entirely on electronic music. This band was the legendary Kraftwerk. Thanks to the efforts of its musicians, electronic music gets its fully formed image, based on the use of drum machines, synthesizers and other electronic instruments. These events are the main starting point. After that, electronic music spread with great speed through all the discotheques of America and Europe. It receives universal acclaim, and is used in many new manifestations. Today, for example, it is impossible to imagine computer games without this kind of music. It sounds everything! Even programs that provide codes to the games have their own melodies. Clicking buttons, opening programs and sites, all accompanied by electronic sounds.
Nowadays all recordings are processed in digital audio studios, voices and instruments are recorded and whole orchestras are put together. Only digital versions are used as carriers of music. It is almost impossible to find analog recordings of decent quality. The struggle between analog and digital music is going on all the time. New currents are appearing, balancing one position or the other. The evolution of music, in whatever form, will never end. There will always be new sounds, opportunities and ideas that will fill our world with new and fresh sound.